Some interesting links... - a short article describing TV troubleshooting using EasyI2C™ to sniff the internal I2C buses. - an overview of the I2C bus protocol. - discussion of the benefits of using a protocol analyzer - how a protocol analyzer differs from a simple bus monitor - a multi-part article series discussing some advanced I2C-related topics, especially what to watch out for when creating a new design that includes I2C.,-Part-2:-Missing-START&id=6034071 - an in-depth discussion of START-related potential errors.,-Part-3:-Missing-STOP&id=6477645 - an analysis of bus errors around the STOP bus state.,-Part-4:-Unexpected-STOP&id=6489747 - more on STOP errors. | - A user-supported video driver modification tool. Many computer manufacturers want to lock out the video manufacturers from offering driver upgrades, for unknown reasons. This often leaves older computers unable to upgraded to newer OS versions. Mobility Modder tries to work around this issue, with some success. Keep old computers out of the dump; GO GREEN! - article describing an SMBus implementation of a battery charger using an Atmel AVR's TWI hardware module. There is also accompanying software for the SMBus implementation. (All written by 'yours truly' some years ago...) The application notes section of the Atmel website holds numerous app notes on TWI, I2C and SMBus. |
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